The Rex’s Place Spring 2021 Newsletter

The Spring 2021 Newsletter is here! Welcome to Rex’s Newsletter for Spring 2021! Finally! The days are getting a little longer, the sun’s rays are getting a little stronger, Evanston’s COVID numbers are getting much smaller, and hope is peeking out from under the snow! Spring may not be in the air yet, but it will be soon! We thought …

Dogging Early Voters

As organizers continue to get the vote out, the owner of Rex’s Doggy Day Care and Boarding House at 2120 Ashland Ave. in Evanston, is taking a unique approach, offering free doggy daycare to early Cook County voters on the day they vote with proof they cast their ballot. Early voting at polling precincts begins Thursday, Sept. 24 and runs …

Fall 2020 Newsletter

Welcome to the 2020 Fall Newsletter from Rex’s Place! A message from Kathy, Seaquel and Picasso Fall, the season of red and gold leaves, football, and wool sweaters, is almost upon us, and yet it doesn’t quite feel like summer ever arrived. Yes, we’ve had our sunny 90 degree days, but in the absence of so many summer traditions — …

Ask Wendy: Maintaining Normal For Our Dogs

Wendy DeCarlo of D.O.G. (Dog Obedience Group) shares her insight and concrete suggestions for helping our pups through their stress — and ours! — during stay-at-home and the stress of life with COVID. When Rex’s Place is open, Wendy offers group and private training at our facility, and we look forward to her return when it is safe to do …

Regarding the COVID-19 Crisis

We Are Here For You What a stressful and confusing time this is.  We are all being affected by the concerns about the COVID-19 novel coronavirus.  We have not been hit as hard as some (such as those in Washington state) but travel plans are being cancelled and offers to work remotely are being offered.  We, at Rex’s Place, cannot …

Can You Help Our Staff?

Like everyone else, we at Rex’s Place are doing what we can to weather the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic. As many of you know, we have closed the day care for 4 days as a precaution to make sure that no one is sick or infectious, and we want to re-open on March 23rd, but as bad as the …

Rex’s Place Newsletter Fall 2019

WELCOME TO OUR FALL NEWSLETTER Autumn is in the air. You feel it as you walk your pups about the neighborhood crunching the crisp new leaves of fall underfoot and -paw. We hope that after your next walk, you’ll take a moment to read through our latest newsletter to learn about important changes, new features, and special promotions taking place …

I’m S.A.D. – and your pet might be too!

You may have noticed that I have not been myself lately. I’ve known it for a while and only recently figured out why – SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). And I’m not the only one with SAD. Years ago (more years than I want to acknowledge) I participated in a study at University of Chicago. They determined that I had Seasonal …

On My Mind

Did you know my pups and I wake up each morning around 4:30 am in order to open our doors at Rex’s Place? It’s really early – REALLY early. I get myself ready and take care of my two. Then it’s on to work and while, in my corporate years, there were a morning or two I just didn’t feel …

A Discussion is requested

When I was going for my master’s at NU, I took a speech class. One of our assignments was giving a speech on our personal hero. someone we looked up to and admired. I did my speech on Jack Kevorkian, a Michigan physician known as “Dr. Death.” Jack Kevorkian often said, “Death is not a crime” and championed terminally ill …