Dealing with Life Changes

If you were with us last year, you were part of the Rex is 6 celebration. We are looking forward to our Rex is 7 celebration but not what it means. He is getting older. And that means he’s joining ME in getting older. It’s disconcerting enough for me. Each day there are things I shrugged off in my younger days that now become an “issue.” Does he feel the same? How would I know? What can I do to help him through his aging process?

Lately there are some things that are changing. As a puppy, loud noises didn’t bother him but he’s now become terrified of thunder. Nothing seems to help. Everything works for a while (thank you Thundershirt) but it never lasts for long. He still loves chasing his ball but he often drops down after the third run, looking up with a big smile and letting me know he’s taking a rest before he runs back for more. He sleeps more. Little things…but things that I’ve noticed.

When I first started the daycare, I thought it was puppy’s that needed it the most. But now I’m thinking. Maybe it’s the older dogs that need it the most. Sure, they won’t play as much but does that mean they shouldn’t be with friends. And believe me, hang out with us for just a day and you will see that true friendships have developed. These dogs CARE about each other. So this has started me thinking and making a few adjustments. For Rex and, moving forward with the Senior Center I always envisioned for our Senior Dogs.

For Rex, I’m starting to look for different ways to keep him engaged. I take him with me when I’m running errands. He comes with me when I do dropoff’s of the dogs I’m taking home from the daycare. We go for shorter walks, but play a little more in the house where there is a long hallway for chasing after his favorite tennis ball at a new slower pace.

Rex is my family and we’re growing older together – that DOESN”T mean we will grow old. But here’s the difference – Rex can’t make these adjustments by himself. He needs me to do it for him. And there is NOTHING I won’t do for my boy.

So here’s my question for all of you. Do you feel the same? How are you handling it? What are your thoughts on this subject? Any ideas?

Here’s a link to an amazing article that talks about all of this in a far better way than I ever could